- First of all we Clarify, Dj Professional or Dj of Experience. Not Amateur, I did it at home and it stayed more or less.
- Send us your data: Dj Web, Social Networks, Podcast, Bio and all the possible information.
- Link of Session: Link Free download and rights for its reproduction. No payment servers, or high waiting. Zippyshare is recommended.
- Audio Quality: 128kbps. Good quality recording (not saturated or anything unusual)
- The Set without any type of advertising, offs or shirts that overlap in the music (The Cloud Radioshow is in charge of the editing and production of it) Audio totally clean or it will not be Accepted.
- Send to:

- Ante todo Aclaramos, Dj Profecionales o Dj de Experiencia. No Amateur, lo hice en casa y quedo mas o menos.
- Envianos Tus Datos: Dj Web, Redes Sociales, Podcast, Bio y toda la informacion Posible.
- Link de Session: Link Gratuito de descarga y derechos para su reproduccion. No servidores de pago, ni de altas esperas. Se recomienda Zippyshare.
- Calidad del Audio: 128kbps. De Buena calidad de grabacion (no saturado ni nada raro)
- El Set sin ningun tipo de publicidad, offs o camisas que se superpongan en la musica (The Cloud Radioshow se encarga de la edicion y produccion del mismo) Audio totalmente limpio o no sera Aceptado.
- Enviar a: